Dagens låt!

Haha xD

Nammi o städa hemma
❀Miley Ray Cyrus❀
Miley Ray Cyrus (födelsenamn Destiny Hope Cyrus), född 23 november 1992 i Nashville, Tenesse är en Amerikansk Sångare och skådespelerska.
Cyrus är dotter till amerikanska countrysångaren och skådespelaren Billy Ray Cyrus. Hon slog igenom i rollen som Miley Stewart/ Hannah Montana på Disney Channel som startade 2006, och nu tagit slut efter 4 säsonger. Hon skrev även egen musik till ledmotiven Hannah Montana (2006) och Hannah Montana 2/Träffa Miley Cyrus (Meet Miley Cyrus) 2007, utgivna av Walt Disney Records. Hollywood Records skrev kontrakt med Cyrus 2007 för en solokarriär. Hon gjorde en "Best of Both Worlds"-turné samma år, och man gjorde också en film av hela turnén (Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert (2008).
I april 2008 gav Cyrus ut sitt första soloalbum Breakout. Hon gav sin röst till karaktären "Penny" i den Disney-animerade filmen Bolt (2008). Hon spelade även rollen som Miley och Hannah Montana i filmen Hannah Montana The Movie (2009)
Cyrus gav ut albumet The Time of Our Lives (2009). Samma år spelade hon även in The Last song byggd på romanen av Nicholas Sparks med samma namn. Filmen hade premiär 2010. År 2009 kom singeln Party in the U.S.A. Hon gav ut sitt tredje studioalbum Can't Be Tamed år 2010
Det var typ lite om henne? :)
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Hittade Bilder!! ( inga märkvärdiga)


Förhoppningsvis så , men det är inte säkert, så ska jag, viktoria och elloise sova över hos Naomi!
Vi ska fixa oss hos henne, och sedan åka till skolavslutningen i skolan! :D
Men det är inte spikat än :P
Ska ha mitt hår spikrakt, hade jag tänkt, det beror lite på hur klänningen ser ut tror jag !
Antingen såhär:



Ja det blev många '' eller''
Hehe:=) Kramar Linnea :*
Summer is in the air

Linne och Shorts. Enkelt!
DET ÄR SÅÅ SKÖÖNT! Ska till Hagaparken, som det är kallat. Hehe, ska ha picknick med familjen, det ska bli mys!
Lyssnar på en skön låt som heter '' READY,SET,DON'T GO'' med Miley Cyrus och Billy Ray Cyrus
Shes gotta do what shes gotta do
And I’ve gotta like it or not
Shes got dreams to big for this town
And she needs to give ‘em a shot
Wherever they are
Looks like I’m all ready to leave
Theres nothin’ left to pack
Aint no room for me in that car
Even if she asks me to tag along
Gotta gotta be strong
I’m at the startin line of the rest of my life
As ready as I’ve ever been
Got the hunger and the stars in my eyes
The prize is mine to win
She’s waitin’ on my blessins
`Fore she hits that open road
Baby get ready
Ohh Im ready
Get set, don’t go
Looks like things are fallin in place
Feels like theyre fallin apart
Im paintin this big ol’ smile on my face
To hide my broken heart
If only she knew
This is where you don’t say
What you want so bad to say
This is where I want to
But I wont get in the way
Of her and her dream
And spreadin her wings
I’m ready to fly
Im at the startin line of the rest of my life
As ready as I’ve ever been
Got the hunger and the stars in my eyes
The prize is mine to win
She’s waitin’ on my blessins `fore she hits that open road
gotta hit that open road
Baby get ready, get set
Don’t go
Im at the startin line of the rest of my life
As ready as Ive ever been
It’ll be alright
Got the hunger and the stars in my eyes
The prize is mine to win
I’ll be okay
She’s waitin’ on my blessings
‘Fore she hits that open road
Baby get ready
Oh oh oh
Get set, please don’t go
Don’t go
Lemme go now
I’m ready
Hmmmm Dont go
I’ll be alright
I’ll be okay
Know that I’ll
Be thinkin of you
Each and every day
Shes gotta do what shes gotta do
lemme go now
Shes gotta do what shes gotta do
I gotta do what I gotta do
Shes gotta do what shes gotta do
Well, I know a thing about contrition,
Because I got enough to spare.
And I'll be granting your permission,
'Cause you haven't got a prayer.
Well I said hey, hey hallelujah,
I'm gonna come on sing the praise.
And let the spirit come on through ya,
We got innocence for days!
Well, I think I'm gonna burn in hell,
Everybody burn the house right down.
And say, ha
What I wanna say
Tell me I'm an angel,
Take this to my grave.
Tell me I'm a bad man,
Kick me like a stray.
Tell me I'm an angel,
Take this to my grave.
(S-I-N, I S-I-N
S-I-N, I S-I-N
S-I-N, I S-I-N
S-I-N, I S-I-N)
You play ring around the ambulance,
Well like you never gave a care.
So get the choir boys around you,
It's a compliment, I swear.
And I said, ashes to ashes, we all fall down,
I wanna hear you sing the praise,
I said, ashes to ashes, we all fall down,
We got innocence for days!
Well, I think I'm gonna burn in hell,
Everybody burn the house right down.
And say, ha
What I wanna say
Tell me I'm an angel,
Take this to my grave.
Tell me I'm a bad man,
Kick me like a stray.
Tell me I'm an angel,
Take this to my grave.
You better run like the devil,
'Cause they're never gonna leave you alone!
You better hide up in the alley,
'Cause they're never gonna find you a home!
And as the blood runs down the walls,
You see me creepin' up these halls.
I've been a bad motherfucker
Tell your sister I'm another
Go! Go! Go!
And I said, say,
What I wanna say
Tell me I'm an angel,
Take this to my grave.
Tell me I'm a bad man,
Kick me like a stray.
Tell me I'm an angel,
Take this to my grave.
Tell me I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad man.
Tell me I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad man.
Tell me I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad man.
Tell me I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad man.
So get up!
So get out!
S-I-N, I S-I-N!
Make A Difference


Hejsan alla, Liane här !
Hejsan alla Linneas underbara läsare !
Jag heter Liane Flygare och det är jag som har känt Linnea längst av alla !
Vi lärde känna varandra när vi var ungefär 1 månad !
Älska dej mest gmn !
Asså kan fortfarande inte fatta hur vi kan ha känt varandra så länge och fortfarande vara så bra kompisar !
DU betyder sjukt mkt för mig gmn !
Inget dig inget mig !
Här kmr en bild på mig !
Haha fulaste jag vet men Linnea är sjukt fin !
L <3 L föralltid
Elr hur min älskling !
Pussar till dig beeejby !
Hejdå :)
Såå fint! :')
Hårförlängning på skolavslutningen? :D

Hehe^^ Vi ska dra till JAKAN ( jakobsberg) snart och vara där en stund.. Sen så ska jag åka till mammas jobb!
DET SKA BLII SOOFT! -.- skönt menar jag ..att vara där och ta det lungt!
Iaf så kommer vi säkert ha as-roligt!
Det hon säger är jättebra och så.. Men hon är ju så rolig också! xD
Superstor! Men den 19 mars var den ännnu större!

Lite Bilder från igår!

DRACK EN ''FRAPINO'' liknande grej, fast från 7-ELEVEN ;)
Toodejss aoot Fit!

19+ GRADER?!
Somnade i solen i typ 20 minuter?! OJ OJ OJ, vad jag är röd :/ Iallafall så har jag bara ett linne och Ett par kort byxor, och det är liksom för varmt.. :P Så nu tar ja' det lite lungt ett tag inomhus :)
Lyssnar på Arctic Monkeys nu! De är Superbra!!
Nytt IPHONE fodral!

Nu ska jag gå och sova!

ska träna inför engelska provet som jag har i morgon innan jag sover! Önska mig lycka till ! :D

Happy easter!


ÖVERLYCKLIG! Dock kan jag inte använda den föränn på måndag! För att Jag ville ha kvar mitt gamla nummer till mitt nya abbonemang.. Har TELE2 nu! Hade 3 :/
When words fails, music speaks.
Sen har jag inte gjort så mycket mer! Håller på att städa mitt rum och lite saker.. :)
Vet ni vart man kan hitta snygga Iphone 3gs skal?`
Kommer tillbaks om 5 minuter! Kraaamisar!
Så vackert!
Bust Your Windows ♥
And no, it didn't mend my broken heart
I'll probably always have these ugly scars
But right now, I don't care about that part
I bust the windows out your car
After I saw you laying next to her
I didn't wanna but I took my turn
I'm glad I did it ?cause you had to learn
I must admit it helped a little bit
To think of how you'd feel when you saw it
I didn't know that I had that much strength
But I'm glad you see what happens when
You see you can't just play with people's feelings
Tell them you love them and don?t mean it
You?ll probably say that it was juvenile
But I think that I deserve to smile
I bust the windows out your car
You know I did it ?cause I left my mark
Wrote my initials with a crowbar
And then I drove up into the dark
I bust the windows out your car
You should feel lucky that was all I did
After 5 whole years of this bull****
Gave you all of me and you played with it
I must admit it helped a little bit
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/j/jazmine-sullivan-lyrics/bust-your-windows-lyrics.html ]
To think of how you'd feel when you saw it
I didn?t know that I had that much strength
But I?m glad you see what happens when
You see you can't just play with people's feelings
Tell them you love them and don?t mean it
You probably say that it was juvenile
But I think that I deserve to smile
[Incomprehensible] out your car
But it don?t come back to my broken heart
You could never feel how I felt that day
Until it happens, baby, you don?t know pain
Oh yeah, I did it, you should know it
I ain?t sorry, you deserved it
After what you did to me
You deserved it, I ain?t sorry no, no
You broke my heart, so I broke your car
You caused me pain, so I did the same
Even though what you did to me was much worse
I had to do something to make you hurt
Oh, but why am I still crying?
Why am I the one who?s still crying?
Oh, oh, you really hurt me, baby
You really, really hurt me, baby
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Now, watch me you
Now, watch me you
I bust the windows out your car
Idag har jag haft superkul! Har varit hemma hos min kompis johanna och vi kollade på filmer. Jag är superglad att jag det är skola i morgon! :D
My heart Would Stop Without You.♥

Bara Bilder.

( tog kort på min hand och sedan redigerade jag bilden i picnik)

SkräckFilmsMaraton ;D
I fredags hade vi det. Jag ,steffi,Jempa,Alex,Siri

I havent met you in a year. It's crazy how fast time passes by. At first you were that shy little girl that I met in school day one. All our memories are all gone. We had a little tree we sat in and talked from nine to six.
I'm having a hard time to say goodbye to you. Even tough you're not going anywhere. It feels like you are dissapearing ,each second i think about you. We were best friends in 4 years. That's a long time. Now you don't give a damn about what I have to say to you, you're pushing me away. And our best friendsship doesn't excist anymore. It doesn't ever last .Just years in four. It's amazing how one person can push away their best friends just because she's found a new best friend leauge. One that doesn't even care about her feelings, just her popularity.
She came to that school, and changed in just one day. That's why I think how crazy the world is today. People doesn't care about eachother anymore, all they care about is to be talked to and mean something to a popular person. Our friendship was so genuine and rare, it Had worth beyond compare. To what we have today... Well is it even a friendship, I just say.
People can affect a persons life soo quick. That you can't even say something before they gone. You said I'll never let you go. But was it ment to be so? All you said to me, whas it a lie? Cause I trusted you no matter what, It maybe was goodbye. We have too many memories to be left behind. Only you can define. A goodbye Is a goodbye forever, you wouldn't say it if you were clever. We always had a great time. The time is over by now. No matter what we went trough, I always stood next beside you. But was it ment to end up like this?
Every tear that touched the floor was a tear from my heart..
And a let it free..I asked you Can i cry in your arms? Can i look in your eyes and your soul smiles back at me.. You told me ´´you can´´ You could troust at me and i you..I looked in your eyes and there it was ..The big happy smile.. thank you for everything false little friend , our friendship will never come again.
I learned from the past at nevet trust to anybody again .But when I met you it was something like do that i will trust you and I did .But once I had wrong you hurt me again.I can't understand that I was so stupid !How could you I don't understand You know that I loved you like a friend But now it's all gone And I can't forgive you All you did hurt me so much All is because of you !Du var min kompis du var min vän.En dag för länge sen.Den dagen vi möttes liger Kvar inom mig.Jag kommer aldrig att glömma dig.Vad som en händer så finns du alltid inom mig.För jag älskar dig.
IDAG ´har jag haft skola ? Hehe.. SKA HA 3 PROV PÅ FREDAG :@ jäätenervöös

Såhär kunde det se ut..

Så kunde ett inlägg se ut för mig på min förra blogg.. egoistiskt och ja.. fjortis aktigt( gick första terminen i femman)

Stör mig på Rebecca Black- Friday.. hehe

ja som sagt.... :P
Så sant!

Gjorde en egen Design på Converse!

Bakrund På datan :D



Panic! At The Disco
The Ballad Of Mona Lisa- Panic At The Disco
She paints her fingers with a close precision
He starts to notice empty bottles of gin
And takes a moment to assess the sin she’s paid for...
A lonely speaker in a conversation
Her words are swimming through his ears again
There’s nothing wrong with just taste of what you paid for
Say what you mean tell me im right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign
I wanna believe
Whoa Mona Lisa, you’re guaranteed to run this town Whoa Mona Lisa I’d pay to see you frown
He sense something call it desperation another dollar another day and if she has the proper words to say she’d tell but she’d have nothing left to sell him...
Say what you mean tell me I’m right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign I wanna believe
Whoa Mona Lisa, you’re guaranteed to run this town Whoa Mona Lisa I’d pay to see you frown
Oh Mona Lisa
Say what you mean tell me I’m right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign
I wanna believe
Whoa Mona Lisa, you’re guaranteed to run this town Whoa Mona Lisa I’d pay to see you frown
Say what you mean tell me I’m right and let the sun rain down on me give me a sign
I wanna believe
There’s nothing wrong with just a taste of what you paid for....